Quality Assurance

ANTECEDENTS AND CREDENTIALS are the two main building blocks or the DNA of any business and any client desiring to use any services or products in the market will refer to the above two building blocks before selecting the service provider or the producer. This is true for any industry and business, irrespective of the type of business or the volume. Jerry Varghese International Ltd. has achieved market leadership through incessantly working towards strengthening of the two main building blocks. Jerry Varghese International Ltd. has reached the pinnacle of success by continually striving for excellence in meeting our clients requirements. The procedures and systems adopted by Jerry Varghese International Ltd. are improvised and improved with a single goal in mind i.e to serve the consumer be it the recruiter or the Job Aspirant, thereby building up the first building block of ANTECEDENTS.

Jerry Varghese International Ltd. Has established, documented, implemented and maintained Quality Management system for Recruitment, Head Hunting and Deployment of Human Resources and continually improves it's effectiveness as accepted by Standards of ISO 9001 : 2015. Jerry Varghese International Ltd. identified & implemented the processes needed for the Quality Management System and their application for achieving the desired results. Jerry Varghese International Ltd.monitored, measured and analyzed these processes. Jerry Varghese International Ltd.takes necessary actions for achieving planned results and continual improvement of the defined processes. The above mentioned processes include processes for management activities, provision of resources, product realization and measurement.

Quality assurance